The Aim of This Website

My name is Eddie Bellamy, and I aim to tell you about my experiences with Nottingham Police and the courts. I will do this with a series of Essays backed up with documents and images. 
The prominent bone of contention is with the Nottingham Crown Court with its corrupt, lying, and obfuscating staff and management. My main protagonist was Judge Timothy Spencer, whom I do not call his Honour as he has no honour. He has more in common with Roland Freislere infamous NAZI Judge. I complained about him to the Judicial Conduct Investigation Office, for which I will publish all letters in my Article on my Crown Court Trial.
The Royal Coat of Arms.
This is displayed in all courtrooms, with the motto.
This Motto is hardly appropriate now, in which God does the Crown; therefore, the court derives its authority. The term THE People [the nation] is more appropriate. I certainly did not witness any sense of godliness in this building; only the opposite, I encountered lying and obfuscation from the court staff. The real criminals are not always those standing in the Dock but the court manager and staff who ignore your written requests and emails. They treat you with disdain and contempt, believing you are of a lower order and have no rights, be quiet and go away.
I can only now tell the story of my trials and tribulations between October 2016 and April 2019. I will not tell the storey in sequence. Still, I will start with the evil Nottingham Crown Court, followed by my experiences and opinions of the corrupt, biased, lazy, inefficient Police Nottinghamshire Police, who rank near the bottom of the police force rankings.


The statute of Lady Justice is supposed to show impartiality, balance, and power, but this does not apply to our Police and Courts.


       All Police Forces in the UK are now corrupt political organisations, lazy and biased, believing they are superior people. Instead of investigating with an honestly open mind, their corruption takes two forms.                                                                                                   
        The first form of corruption is the good old brown envelope which has always gone on but is carried out by a minority of officers, usually senior officers, detectives and is very prevalent among Traffic police, who receive regular payments from recovery companies, which I am aware of from personal experience.
          The second form of corruption is now practised by all Police and encouraged and directed by the College of Policing, Chief Constables, and senior officers: the NOBLE CAUSE. This has resulted in the Police being a version of the 1984 MINISTRY OF TRUTH: with the Police spying on our speech and trying to monitor our thoughts, and Chief Constables becoming DE FACTO POLITICAL COMMISSARS. They can be compared to the old East German STASI: The Ministry of State Security, which depended on 1in7 of the population informing on their friends and neighbours. The UK now operates an update of this by investigating complaints of internet posts and hurtful comments in conversations. Although this is not a crime, it is a way of putting you on record along with your internet browsing and email connection records. This will eventually lead to all citizens having a social conduct file, deciding their future life and prospects.
                      The police are now thoroughly politically indoctrinated, with many officers having leftist socialist liberal leanings instilled in them by senior university-educated officers and overseen by the Fascist College of Policing. I believe the main protagonists were senior Women Officers with their Anti-Misogynist campaigns; this has led to Misandry where Police are always instructed to believe women; this closes their minds to investigating fairly and honestly, often leading to false evidence and omitted evidence; this lazy corrupt Policing is often followed by a “Victim” Statement composed by the Police. The so-called impact statements are a farce, with the wording on many being identical, obviously inserted as routine. These corrupt Police Officers believe they are fighting the Nobel Cause and that their misconduct is committed in the name of a good end; they also believe the neglect of due process is a moral commitment to make the world a safer place and a socialist paradise. This corruption was NOT the result of a lack of morale or leadership. Still, it was encouraged by Susannah Fish, the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire 2016-2017, this evil woman, in conjunction with Trent University, the left-wing rag the Guardian and the Nottingham Women’s Centre.
            As I see it, the problem is that we mislabel these people. They are really a form of modern-day Nazis who are completely indoctrinated in their beliefs and conviction of their moral supercity, and they should control the proletariat. This is the reason for recording non-criminal hate crimes and monitoring social media postings, which the media platforms willingly assist.  This is a way of labelling people and classifying people as Vagrants, Deviants, Left-wing, Right-wing, or Dangerous YouTubers with a large popular following, which could influence people to question the Plutocracy and Corrupt Politicians.
              I believe our corrupt government uses selected corrupt members of the Judiciary to implement their agenda. I consider three cases grievous.
               Julian Assange: Julian is a Political Prisoner who has committed no crime in the UK but is being held in atrocious conditions for four years at the bidding of the USA.
              Tommy Robinson: He was a thorn in the side of the government; he exposed the Grooming Gangs well before anybody else but has not been credited with this. instead, he was vilified and constantly harassed by the police and imprisoned on spurious charges to prevent him from reporting. He was held in dangerous conditions, fearful of attack by violent Muslim prisoners. The establishment has been in fear of acting against wayward Muslims because of the Muslim Worlds’ reaction; big money in the Middle East; oil, UK investment, and even our Royalty friendships with despicable Muslim regimes who finance many UK mosques. The result is that they have become exempt from British law with no-go areas, imposing Shira Law, holding violent protests, running corrupt local councils, and trying to stop Free Speech. The real scandal is that all this, our Police stand back and ignore any crimes, no doubt on the instructions of their senior political officers.
               Alex Belfield:   The Government and its Tool The BBC needed Alex Silenced as he had a huge following which was growing at an exponential following which was growing at an exponential rate; he was putting out over an hour a day of content which often critical to the government, the Elite, and the BBC; he was also putting on Stage Shows which sold out. He was banned from YouTube on Government orders, so he set up his own platform and attracted a large-paying following. I believe this alarmed the government, who feared his popularity and exposing the real news could spark a Political Movement; Alex Belfield had to be removed.
             The problem they had was that he had an independent platform and a very supportive audience, which would make it difficult to close even in our sham Democracy, and this would not be acceptable; we have not yet reached the stage of making people disappear like in China, but it will no doubt come about in time. I sincerely believe that his charging and subsequent Trial were State Sponsored because, for 18 months, they had desperately attempted, for want of a better word tried, “TO FIT HIM UP”. He made 13 magistrate Court appearances and, at times, was on illegal bail: no Magistrate or District Judge wanted to handle the cases. He had his home raided and all his equipment sized twice, his car dismantled, and his house searched for hours. They were trying to find drugs, taking him to the Police Station for an intermit body search. A drug bust would have suited the fine, or finding illegal content on his equipment would get him convicted. The Government now had a problem; they needed Alex to be taken out of circulation for a long enough time to diminish his following. To achieve this, they fell back on old complaints. Fortunately for them, Nottingham Crown Court is also a high court, so perfect for sending their selected High Court Judge from London. This was never going to be a balanced Trial with a Judge selected to get the desired result.                                                                                              
               I believe the full disclosure of all the evidence against him should be disclosed well before the case management hearings, as there was much evidence, including videos. I do not know if Alex was naive, but he should have scrutinised the evidence and videos, preferably with a top lawyer. He probably did not qualify for legal Aid but could not afford to pay a Lawyer. Therefore, in a catch-22 situation and deciding to defend yourself, which is virtually impossible, you are not allowed to question witnesses yourself but only through a court-appointed advocate who will not necessarily use forceful and follow-up questions.  The fact that impact statements were part of the alleged victim’s main statement read out in court during the trial, and I believe this influences the jury and should only be read out if the defendant is found Guilty; it is like we have reversed the Law so that you are Guilty and must prove yourself innocent; a practice in many undemocratic countries.   
.        The first four people (alleged victims} to give evidence were all experienced, trained broadcasters who had never been contacted directly by Alex but had been included in emails criticising the programs they were involved with; this was normal journalism by critics. Rozina Breen, Liz Green and Helen Thomas acted brilliantly, crying, saying they were frightened and needed extra security. Stephanie Hirst seems mystified as to why she was there and did not put on an unseemly performance. The first three obviously had their statements written for them by the Police; I could have recited them. These are stock statements rolled out in many trials; I should know I have experienced it myself. These Four should never have been involved in the trial, and I believe they were used to pad out the Trial to add to the alleged seriousness of it; I believe this is an abuse of process and added about two weeks to the trial at our expense. Why did the Judge and the CPS does not kick this out? Of course, they sent a high judge from London for a big Show Trial. Hence, it had to be made to look big.
               In my opinion, Bernard Sledding and Ben Hewis were the ones who should have been on trial. They were lying, including, at the Police’s request, a video provided by them, a video which consisted of many clips from many different days without proper context and crafted to put Alex in a bad light. It was so obviously Fake that it was laughable.
            . I could not believe that the court-appointed Advocate asked no forceful questions and applied more pressure; I should know; I have experienced this situation. Alex would not have qualified for Legal aid; I believe the cost of a legal team would be over £300,000; who can afford that except the very wealthy? In this country, Justice has become a commodity; you buy it when you can afford a top KC. The prosecution used a senior KC, and the Trial was conducted as a high-court trial; make no mistake, this was no ordinary trial; the Government wanted to be sure that they could put Alex out of circulation for some time. He was a treat to them as a harbourer of the truth. The conception that we are equal before the Law and Justice are balanced [scales of justice] is a complete misnomer; money and influence get you, Justice.
         I think Spedding and Hewis are a disgusting pair of liars who put on Oscar-winning acts of being distressed and having mental health problems. Still, they are both prominent in the media and entertainment, ‘Bear Pit.’ Both, plus the BBC, refused to confirm or deny who was the author of an email Hewis circulated widely on the internet for which he had apologised several times. Hewis complained that Alex showed his family photographs taken from Facebook, the public domain; what did he expect? I believe Spedding, Hewis, and the BBC should have been charged with Perverting the Course of Justice. I do not accept that these two were credible witnesses: they lied and put on a good act of distress.
           Philip Dehany was portrayed as vulnerable; no way is this true; it was used to project him as a helpless person. He was not so helpless or vulnerable that he had been to prison for embezzling a large sum of money from his employer. Dehany was not reluctant to retire but was able to make his living in the rough world of media and entertainment, running a blog site, uploading to YouTube, and doing theatre reviews. He was active in the theatre world, demeaning Alex and urging people to block and ban him. Alex was a successful Theatre reviewer and had interviewed many people involved in the entertainment sphere. Delany is a Nasty, Vindictive person who is jealous of Alex’s success and wants to bring him down. He was certainly no victim.
             Jeremy Vine must be the most disgusting creature I have ever seen whom you would doubt is human. He should have been awarded an Oscar for his performance in the witness box; he was up against stiff competition from the seven who went before him, but his facial distortions, weeping, his claim of distress and mental health made him the star of this show trial. Vine is no novice to broadcasting and public appearances and enjoys criticising others on his various media shows. He is also a proponent of cyclists being a superior type of person and relishes using a helmet camera to video other road users and then uploading them to YouTube to ridicule them; what a vile, nasty creature he is.

  Judge Saini

       I believe Judge Saini was selected to conduct this Trial to ensure a conviction and imprisonment for a considerable amount of time to break his influence and following, which was seen as a danger to the establishment. I can anticipate that this will finish Alex’s career permanently. He will be in prison until about June 2025 and on licence for another two years and nine months. Being on a
  licence comes with many conditions, such as the type of work, living at a fixed address, travel restrictions, and very likely, Bespoke conditions to which the alleged victims may have an input; these inputs, I believe, will include a ban on him from social media, theatre appearances and operating the Voice of Reason.                                        
           Judge Saini certainly tilted the Scales of Justice: for a start, Alex was NOT convicted of four counts of   Stalking but of two counts, and one of these was by a majority verdict; the other two were for Harassment [section 2 Protection of Harassment act] hence the maximum sentence of six months. The Judge could not use section 2A which is classed as Harassment and has a maximum sentence of 51 weeks, because it did not fit the criteria. He referred to the Section 2 charge as simple Stalking when addressing the Jury and basic Stalking when making his sentencing comments; however, there is no such offence as basic Stalking or simple Stalking; Judge Saini lacks Moral Rectitude and could not be honest and stated that convictions concerning Jeremy Vine and Philip Dehaney were Harassment.
            The true sentencing comments should have stated that of the eight indictments under section 4A, Stalking involving fear of violence or serious alarm, or distress should have been stated as four Not Guilty, two guilty, one by a majority verdict, and two on the alternative charge of Harassment. This was quite disingenuous of the Judge, but this was a Political Anti Free Speech Trial, and he had to please his political masters. He was unannoyed by the four not-guilty verdicts and only Two dubious guilty verdicts. He needed to big the result up so the lesser charges of Harassment being classed as stalking made it look like a better result for our corrupt Establishment and media, who reported all four as Stalking led by the self-claimed Bastions of honesty and impartiality:  The Guardian and BBC.
          The Judge s legal directions at the trial’s start were normal. Still, in my opinion, there were several emphases which were designed to push the Jury’s thinking a certain way; he said that the evidence from behind a screen was quite normal these days. He said the Jury should assess whether the witness was truthful or not, but how can the jury asses this from a small monitor screen when the defendant who is defending himself cannot see anything. What has happened to open Justice; you need to assess the witness’s body language and facial expressions. This is a ploy to paint the accused as some ogre and the complainant as someone who is frightened, distressed, and even has mental health issues; this really tilts the fairness and balance of the Trial. The Police CPS and the Courts encourage this as it sets the scene in their favour, all for the belief that they are fighting the NOBLE CAUSE. Honest, open Justice has no place in our political target-driven Justice system. It is generally accepted, particularly in the USA, it is better that 10 Guilty people go free than one innocent person is imprisoned.
                In his summing up, Judge Saini stated that the Jury should not condemn Alex for not taking the witness box but followed up later by saying that they could draw an inference of him not taking the stand and swearing an oath on a fairy tale book about mythical gods or making an attestation. In my opinion, Alex’s lengthy written and signed statements, plus his oral statement, were more than satisfactory and his only cause of action considering his inability to pay for a top barrister.
                     I believe Judge Saini is highly Political and ambitious and hand-picked for this trial by the establishment of which he has been private school, and Oxbridge educated is a member. The majority of high Court Judges are from this background, as they can be relied on to protect the establishment and further their interests. It was blindly obvious that there was an important reason for Judge Saini to be sent to the provinces to hear a trial; this only normally happens for serious offences of murder or complicated fraud, but this was a serious trial as far as the establishment was concerned as he was exposing their lies and corruption and gathering a large following which they saw as a treat to them hence sending their man from London to get the required result with Alex out of circulation; they could not trust a Midland Circuit Judge to drive the jury the right way. He obviously satisfied his masters as he was promoted to presiding Judge of the Western Circuit and will no doubt eventually be appointed Supreme Court Judge, the height of political influence.               Judge Saini’s sentencing comments were the most telling as they exposed his political leanings, his belief in his moral superiority, and his disdain for us lower-order, or plebians.  He seemed to think Alex was a modern-day version of Wat Tyler, ready to lead a new Peasants Revolt; he referred to Alex as having over 300,000 followers whom he made prejudiced, insulting, and derogatory comments.  He referred to all followers as an Army whose conduct massively expands the effect of your stalking; this is tantamount to saying all followers, including me, are conspirators in a crime. If this is so, should we all be arrested and charged with conspiring to stalk? If this is his thinking, it must apply to most people using Facebook, Twitter, Rumble, and other platforms. There are thousands of posts every day on social media, some of them quite brutal, but that is the way of the World, and if you decide to involve yourself with mainstream broadcasting and social media, there are consequences.
             We are heading into becoming a “1984” Dystopian society where we are all labelled and socially rated; what happened to Alex could happen to any of us, and believe many millions of us have been tracked and categorised already and soon we all will be; this is all happening with huge assistance of Google who has now signed up to the Defence and Security Media Advisory Committee as have all main TV stations and Print Media. The D.S.M.A. is supposed to be voluntary; after all, we claim to be a bastion of Democracy, but no form of media can survive in the UK without complying with it. Google is a willing member, thereby controlling YouTube content not only in the UK but Worldwide. They know more about the citizens than anyone, and the Government will no doubt contract them to help with the rollout of Digital ID and social scoring of all of us.

                              BIG BROTHER HAS NOW ARRIVED

            Judge Saini exposed his true thoughts and mission when making his comments. On issuing Restraining orders after the trial, he was obviously annoyed at the Four Not Guilty verdicts, saying they meet the civil standard of Guilt! Why does he make this comment? He and his masters had decided he was guilty of all charges well before summonses were issued, especially as it concerned mostly the BBC, which the Government needed to use as a propaganda tool. When Alex acquired his own platform and started his VOR club, the establishment became alarmed as they had no control over the content they had via YouTube and the DSMA. Alex was making too many freedom information requests and using them to broadcast honest news and criticise the Elite, a thing the DSMA-controlled media couldn’t do. He was putting out about one hour a day of news, and a paying audience was increasing rapidly, starting to overtake mainstream media Breakfast Shows as he posted at 6 am. I believe this was too much for the Government, and they pushed matters hard from London, hence a show trial and Judge Saini. If a normal circuit Judge had conducted this Trial, I believe much of the evidence would have been thrown out at the case management stage and don’t think he would have been convicted.
              ALEX HAD TO GO. He was seen as a threat to the Establishment and the deep state who might influence peasants like me and upset the New World Order, where we digitised zombified Serfs obey our master’s every command, own nothing, and be happy. I followed Alex’s Trial because I am a supporter of his and had similar experiences but on a smaller scale, including the same court. I will follow this up with separate articles on:



       Nottinghamshire Police state they are proud to serve, but who are they proud to serve; it is certainly not the citizens; is it their political masters, their own political leanings, and their belief that they have a superior status? They do not seem to abide by the basic principles of policing but have their own agenda and believe in labelling people in line with their own bizarre beliefs in which they have been indoctrinated. I believe this indoctrination started back in the 1980s in the universities and the recruiting of indoctrinated graduates into the Police with fast-track promotion to senior positions; I believe this is the reason why the police are now inept and driven by the beliefs instilled in them by senior officers and in particularly by the College of Policing, which should register as a political party.
I believe Nottinghamshire Police was one of the leaders in the move to Political Policing and social l engineering. The descent into Political Policing accelerated in Nottinghamshire when Susannah Fish became Chief constable who, in my opinion, is an evil woman who is not left Wing but is a fascist who believes in indoctrination with a perceived political outlook and the Police creating their own laws and pursuing minor crimes or no crimes in Alignment with their political views; they should be declared an in an extreme political party her main aim was to campaign zealously against hate crimes, real or imaginary, with the statement that a woman making a complaint against a man must always be believed, inferring all accused men are guilty and are misogynists. This attitude resulted in police officers not    investigating alleged offences fairly and rationally, assuming the man is guilty, and even using fallacious so-called evidence to suit their NOBLE CAUSE. Sue Fish sought to spread her notorious fascist views nationwide with the enthusiastic assistance of the two main left-wing     RAGS, The Independent and The Guardian.  The situation was compounded by her involving the Trent University Law School, a left-wing institution, and the extreme left-wing Nottingham Women’s Centre. She then engaged with The Women’s Centre to deliver training on hate crimes and misogyny to many Police Officers paid for by the left-wing crime commissioner Paddy Tipping and the disgraceful, financially inept City council. I believe this was a massive Political and ideological operation to indoctrinate our dumb Police; it is akin to N AZI or North Korean indoctrination. The fact that a Chief Constable has extreme political involvement is a complete disgrace in our so-called liberal democracy.
The Police Oath
I … of….do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the King in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will to the best of my power cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and while I continue to hold the said office   I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to I law.                                                                       i
           I do not think the Political Chief Constable and indoctrinated Force were willing or capable of abiding by the oath, particularly concerning diligence, fairness, and impartiality; I will make this clear from my experience of their bias and lack of impartiality later in this piece.  Chief Constable Fish had one driving aim, which was the introduction of laws against misogyny and free speech; she involved herself with extreme leftwing organisations such as Trent University, The Nottingham Women’s Centre, and Fiyaz Mughal, although I consider all of them Fascist rather than Leftwing. The Guardian and the Independent have heavily promoted all these with articles in support, which, to my mind, shows the political bias of the Chief Constable who thinks the Police should make the laws rather than just enforcing the laws made by an elected government Fish even excepted an award for Law Enforcement Upstander of the year in the National Hate Crime Awards 2016 for her leadership on misogyny as a hate crime; this was ridiculous as there was no misogyny hate crime, and there is still no such crime; it is the ideological ambition of a political Fascist woman who was not fit to be a Police Constable never mind a Chief Constable. The real hypocrisy of this is that Fiyaz Mughal runs the hate crime awards and runs Tell Mama, which believes we should not criticise Islam or Muslims who we know are misogynists, particularly towards their own women. Fish thought it was appropriate to accept an award from this man.
            This Chief Constable's real disgrace and scandal was her close political and ideological relationship with The Nottingham Women’s Centre and its employee Martha Jephcott and their left-wing agenda, which she adapted into her Fascist Police Force.  Fish contracted the Women’s Centre to deliver training on hate crimes and misogyny to 2,000 police officers and control staff, paid for by Nottingham City Council and the disgusting crime commissioner at the time, Paddy tipping the former MP who fiddled his expenses and did not reply to several recorded letters I sent him.
           Nottingham city council must be one of the most corrupt in the country, along with Nottinghamshire Police and their involvement with an organisation known as Common Purpose, which is more secretive than the Free Masons and not referred to as members but as Graduates to disguise who they are and their beliefs and objectives. The beliefs of Common Purpose are dystopian and would make George Orwell blush, and no doubt the so-called graduates see themselves as the Inner Party in a future 1984 scenario. Common purpose members are usually professional and management types who see themselves as Elitists, many of whom are LinkedIn members. The meeting venue for this secret society in Nottingham was Trent University, where Hate crimes and misogyny were discussed with Sue Fish and the management of The Nottingham Women's Centre in 2015, who I believe are Common Purpose, Graduates.
            The involvement of senior Police Officers with the Common Cause is undemocratic and corrupt; a prime example is Cressida Dick, the vile, disgraceful, corrupt former metropolitan police commissioner. Nottinghamshire has had several senior officers as graduates of Common Purpose, as have most forces, but what is most disturbing is the fact that many department heads on Nottingham council are also members of the so-called Common Purpose, with their fees which range between £4000-£8000 paid by the council taxpayers. These people consider themselves superior beings who are the leading lights of moral rectitude and create new laws to subjugate the peasants into complying and being obedient workers; this air of superiority is reinforced by the fact that people cannot just apply to be a common purpose graduate but have to be invited which induces them to be loyal to this secret society and believing they are the chosen few who will one day rule the world. I believe Sue Fish was heavily involved with Common Purpose and decided to use her position as Chief Constable to subvert democracy and introduce her own fake laws, such as misogyny hate crime and furthering the Common Cause elite who wish to make our laws and set our moral standards and eventually replace our elected representatives with unelected commissioners.
              Graduates of Common Cause, who are usually managers, leaders and people in influence who are well-educated and professionals, are themselves indoctrinated to believe they are a superior class bound together by groupthink and secrecy; this was the basis of the NAZI Party and all Fascist governments. The role of these people is to indoctrinate the people under them to be obedient, loyal workers who do not think for themselves or have free speech. Sue Fish saw it as her job to indoctrinate her Police Force who, by their very job and training, were already disciplined and obedient, ideal for moulding into Fascists, which was the fate of Nottinghamshire Police and many more police forces giving us what we now refer to as woke policing. This was accomplished by contracting The Nottingham Women's Centre To train/indoctrinate approximately 2000 staff about misogyny hate crimes and that women must always be believed; this led to the police thinking they were the guardians of truth and justice, and instead of investigating alleged crimes with an open mind they were biased or did not investigate crimes that did not fit their agender. The city council funded the training rather than the Police budget; it was political and could not be shown in police accounts. The main protagonists were not left-wing but Fascists who would have worked well in the NAZI party with Sue Fish as the local GAULEITER. This form of police corruption is terrifying as it involves all the Force members; they are not a service but indoctrinated zealots backed up by the local council and encouraged by the bastion of free speech, the Guardian. This type of policing is now the norm throughout the UK, prioritising investigating non-crime hate and misogyny and checking social media.
           Chief Constable Fish had a major grievance and obsession throughout her Police career with male officers and their misogyny and behaviour towards female officers and women in general; she had plenty of opportunities to address this canteen culture within the Police, but she chose to play the victim role, in a Guardian interview. Tackling the misogyny and deviant behaviour within the Police would be too awkward and embarrassing. It would probably expose some senior officers and not endear her to receiving more BLING [police medals]. Her answer was to push for misogyny and hate crimes laws on the public. When she retired in 2017, a new Deputy Chief Constable, Rachel Barber, took on the “Noble Cause” and became the Strategic Lead on Hate Crime.
            Rachel Barber and her retired ex-senior police officer husband were both former South Yorkshire police officers, a police force with a disgraceful record of ignoring child sex abuse and covering it up in collusion with Rotherham Council over a period of many years as senior officers were involved in this or at least aware of it. Her husband, Ian Barber, expanded his credentials when he attended a South Yorkshire Police Christmas Party for senior officers in 2018, from which he was asked to leave. He twice clashed with the waiting staff. On the second occasion, he was abusive and used a racial slur at a waitress; it says a lot about senior police officers and their behaviour. These people believe they are morally superior to us plebeians, but they are the ones who belong in the gutter. It would be interesting to know what the Lead on Hate Crime said to her misogynist racist husband; this woman wanted building site workers who Wolfe Whistle at women prosecuted for misogyny. The Police as a whole need a complete overhaul and repurposing with an emphasis on appointing senior officers who are not political.

I have outlined my opinion of the Police, particularly the Nottinghamshire Police; I did this to highlight the disgraceful state of policing, which is rotten from the head down. My protagonist in this sorry episode of my life, which caused me mental strain and complete disruption of my life for six months, was PC 3468, Victoria Parkes, who, in my opinion, must be the worst member of the rotten stinking pile known as Nottinghamshire Police.  
        She is a subhuman who should not be a police officer. In fact, she does not belong in a free democratic society; she is a Part-Time Officer who I believe is married to a Full Time Officer and has the job as a form of nepotism, which helps to explain her attitude to the job. I never thought I would say this about another person, especially a woman, but this woman is the absolute scum of the earth; she is a LIAR, CORRUPT, BIASE, COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT AND LAZY. I believe she should have been dismissed for Gross Incompetence and prosecuted for Malfeasance in Public Office. The worst aspect of this saga was the lack of communication, unwillingness to carry out an unbiased or even any investigation and ignoring offers to provide documents and attend an interview. Her corrupt supervising officer, Sergeant Haynes, exacerbated this by lack of supervision and only finally contacted me after my first court appearance.
             My saga involving PC Parkes started on the day my Absolute Decree was granted at the divorce court, which is situated in the Nottingham Crown Court building, on the 14th of June 2018. I had been awarded costs against my Wife and the Co-Defendant, a piece of lying low-life scum Stephen Douglas Curtis who had turned up to dispute the awarding of costs. The judge rejected their case. Curtis was annoyed and aggressive towards me, stating I would get the money at 2P per month. At the time, I had a restraining order forbidding me from contacting my wife and Curtis, so I asked the Judge if I could stay back in court while they got clear. After about 5 minutes, the Judge indicated it was OK for me to leave the court; on my own accord, I had asked to wait as I wanted to avoid contact with them.
     On the day of the incident, Thursday 14th, I reported the incident to Nottingham Central Police Station at approximately 11 a.m. I complained that Curtis had physically and verbally assaulted me and was given Incident Number 405-14062018. I waited about 20 minutes for a Police Officer to interview me but was told no one was available. Still, an officer would contact me later in the day [I was in Nottingham all day], or Lincolnshire Police would contact me at home, I left my mobile and home phone numbers.
      By Monday, June 18, I had still not heard from Nottinghamshire or Lincolnshire Police. I phoned Nottinghamshire Police to ask why I had not been contacted and was informed that it now concerned two issues, with a complaint about myself, and Notts Police would be dealing with both issues. It was arranged that I would travel to Retford on Friday, 22nd June, for an interview; however, I was phoned back later cancelling this arrangement and was informed an officer had been allocated to interview me but was on rest days until the weekend. I indicated that I would travel to Nottingham and checked train times. On Sunday, 24th June, I was surprised to receive a phone call from Lincolnshire Police informing me one of their officers would be visiting me to take a statement; I gave him my written statement, which laid out my complaint against Curtis and asked the officer the name of the Nottingham officer. He informed me it was 3468 PC Parkes; why would PC Parkes not be willing to accept my offer to travel to Retford or Nottingham for an interview? It was 10 days since I had lodged my complaint of assault and had to be informed by an officer of another Force; are the Nottinghamshire Police Officers so hideous they must keep their identity secret?


Edward Bellamy Summary of incident Canal Street and Carrington Street Nottingham 14th June 2018. I am writing this on 16th June 2018.
I attended Nottingham divorce court {crown court building} for the grant of a decree Nisi and to ask for costs against the respondent {Karina Bellamy} and the co-respondent [Stephen Curtis}. My solicitor had sent a letter dated 18th May 2018 stating I was attending court. They both tried to dispute the reason for the divorce and my claim for costs, but they had five months to issue a cross-petition, and the judge ruled that I was granted costs. I believe they only disputed the divorce when they realised that in cases of admitted adultery, they were automatically liable for costs and were prepared to lie to say there was no adultery. The judge asked me no questions, and the case was over in 20 or 3 minutes. Curtis was annoyed by this and said I would get the money at 2P a month.
I asked the judge if I should wait while the other two went on their way, and after about 3 minutes, the judge indicated I may leave. I left the court and turned left onto Canal Street towards Carrington Street. As I approached the junction with Carrington Street, I realised Curtis and Karina were in front of me, waiting to cross Canal Street to proceed up Carrington Street towards the Broad Marsh Centre; this was the direction I wished to go.
  I have a restraining order prohibiting me from going within 200 metres of either of their homes and not making contact. I have every right to walk the streets of Nottingham. When I was about 5 metres from Karina, she said what are you smirking at {l did not know I was] thus, she contacted me I replied check the web in 2 months meaning that is when the decree absolute would be published. I had no more conversation with her. The traffic lights changed, and I went to cross Canal Street and entered Carrington Street towards the Broad Marsh Centre when Curtis pushed me with both hands and said I was not allowed to walk up there, which I was; he said I knew about the flat in Newark, but his voice dropped as he realised, he should not have said this. [ will explain this later} I did not start any verbal or physical contact with Curtis he was a very aggressive and violent man. He followed me up the street, still trying to push me back and shouting that I could not walk up the street. There were a lot of people observing this he then shouted very loudly that I was a paedophile and consorted with prostitutes, and many people turned around to look at me. He then pushed me again, and I said I might be an old man but could flatten him but could not in my circumstances. He laughed and said you are old. I carried on up the street to the traffic light crossing on Collin Street. I could see two police officers on the opposite side and caught their eye, indicating I wanted to talk to them, which they acknowledged. When the lights changed, I crossed and went up to them. They said they were on their way to us as members of the public had reported a disturbance, which no doubt caused them concern by Curtis shouting as loud as he could that I was a paedophile.
I explained what had happened and said I wanted to complain that Curtis had physically and verbally assaulted me. Curtis then said I was not allowed on the street and had to wait while the officers checked my restraining order. They confirmed I was free to walk the streets of Nottingham and could go; however, I said I still wanted to make a
complaint and was told to go to the central police station or phone 101 After talking to the male officer for a while, I decided to leave it for now and go do my shopping. I walked through Broad Marsh Centre up Lister gate and Exchange Walk to the Market Square on my way to The

Victoria Centre, as I passed in front of the council house, I saw a couple look at me and say something to each other .1. I realised they must have seen me being called a paedophile. This made me feel distraught and violated, and I decided to go to Central Police Station and lodge a complaint against Curtis. Many people In Nottingham know me, and my children and grandchildren live in or around Nottingham, and they could be affected by this.
I believe I am the victim here and have been left traumatised and having trouble eating and sleeping. I do not accept that I breached my restraining order, as I had every right to come to Nottingham and walk in the streets, and I had no wish to encounter Curtis or Karina. After the case concluded, I stayed back in the court to give them a chance to get clear. The judge could confirm this, and it was a shock when I accidentally caught up with them. I did not contact them. Karina made verbal contact once only and stayed a reasonable distance from me. Curtis made contact many times, pushing me violently with both hands and shouting verbal abuse.
Previous complaints by Curtis
I believe Curtis made a complaint to the police about me around last March or April, saying I had a flat in Newark contrary to my probation. This resulted in my phone being tracked several times. The last time it happened, the track was on for several hours, and I went to bed with the track still on. It seems obvious that someone was checking that I was home all night. I asked the probation if they were tracking me, but they denied it, so I assumed it was the Police. On the 3rd or 4th of May 2018, I think 1 had a home visit from 2 probation officers to check if I was living in Newark and was involved in some criminal activity. This ties in with what Curtis said to me in Carrington Street about the flat in Newark, which I could tell he wished he had not said it and let his voice tail off and look away. Around April May 2018, my probation officer asked if I had been to Newark; it seemed strange as there was no reason for me not to go there. Also, around this time, my phone has been tracked.
I am continuing this on 21st June 2018
On Tuesday, 19th June 2018, 1 went to the probation service to challenge them about the disclosure of information about myself. It was admitted to me off the record that around the end of April or beginning of May 2018, they requested another agency to check on my contacts with Newark and if I lived where I stated. I believe this other agency was the Police, but they refused to confirm this. L informed probation that I would request freedom of information about my probation record. They informed me they would not disclose contact with other agencies, but I will appeal this to the Information Commissioner or obtain a court order if necessary. Besides having assaulted me, it now appears he has perverted the course of Justice's course in making false and malicious accusations against me. I believe he contacted the Police around the end of April or early May 2018 to say I was living in Newark and was involved in illegal sexual activities. The reason for this was to get me out of the way for my Divorce hearing on 14th June. I was getting my decree Nisi that day, and I only attended to ask for Divorce costs against Curtis and Karina, who both turned up in court and tried to get the Judge to alter the divorce from adultery to just a breakdown of the marriage. The Judge would not hear them and awarded my costs. Considering what I found out on the 19th of June, Curtis realised that the Divorce Judge had accepted my submission on the 15th of March, but he denied any relationship with Karina before October 17th, on the other hand, Karina admitted to a 6-week adulterous relationship before October 17th but said it was not with Curtis, and she does not say who it was with, in other words, she was a common Whore. This was an outrageous lie, which was obvious to the divorce Judge.
At my trial at the Magistrates court on the 14th of June 2017 for harassment of Curtis and Karina, there had to be two occasions of harassment to get a conviction. One of these was alleged to be a letter I wrote to Curtis’s employer in which I stated he was having sexual relations with my wife during August, September and October 2016 using the company vehicle and time. Curtis and Karina made written statements and swore on oath in the witness box that they had not had a relationship before October 17th. They gave their evidence from behind a screen, and I could not question them. As I could not afford a solicitor, a court advocate was supposed to question them on my behalf, but she stood 20 feet from me and only asked pointless questions and would not ask the questions I wanted an answer to. It was not a trial but a Kangaroo court to get a conviction. The Trial lasted all day until 5 p.m. They did adjourn for an hour in the morning after I produced a letter from a Solicitor confirming I had the right to complain to Curtis’s employer. At the end of this fanciful trial, the Magistrates retired for two hours to consult a District Judge. They declared me guilty, stating that my letter to Curtis’s employer was fake and untrue. Curtis and Karina committed perjury in court and were believed by corrupt magistrates. They must have had doubts but convicted me on instructions from a higher authority.
           The divorce Judge accepted my assertion that Curtis and Karina were in a relationship before October 17, 2016, which completely vindicates my evidence at my trial and confirms my conviction was based on lies and perjury.  I believe the lies and perjury were to protect Curtis’s job, and they had to carry it on at the Divorce, hence the false complaints to the police and probation service to get me arrested and out of the way before the divorce hearing. When this did not work, I was awarded costs thanks to an honest, experienced Judge who could assess the truth. They were visibly upset as they left court; hence, the assault on me on the street by Curtis and the false complaint to the police about me breaking the restraining order was a clear case of revenge.
          This was the start of my involvement with the corrupt PC Parkes, who had been tasked. to investigate their complaint; meanwhile, I went to Nottingham Central Police Station to lodge my complaint and was given an incident number. I did not realise at the time that this piece of corrupt scum would ignore my complaint. Parkes, who had obviously decided I was Guilty, fell into the prevailing scenario in Nottinghamshire Police that women must always be believed, plus the me to trend. Karina is a brilliant actress and liar and would have played on the empathy and corrupt stupidity of Parkes. This would explain the lack of communication and investigation by PC Parkes even though I offered to travel to Nottingham for an interview.
       After handing my statement to the Lincolnshire police officer on 24 June, who informed me PC Parkes was the investing officer, I phoned Notts police to speak to PC Parkes on 26 June, only to be told she was on nights and then would be on rest days; no offer was made to take a message or to get her to contact me. This was a pure obstruction as this biased woman did not want to investigate my complaint.

By the 19th of July, I had received no communication from PC Parkes concerning my complaint of assault reported on the 14th of June; this was 35 days after I reported the assault and 25 days after I gave my written statement to a Lincolnshire Police Officer to forward to PC Parkes. I thought it peculiar that I had not heard from Nottinghamshire Police after this length of time, even allowing for them to be at the time next to the bottom for efficiency. On the 19th of July, I posted a complaint to Police HQ About the lack of contact [see attached] and received a phone call from Police HQ on the 25th of July giving me PC Parkes's phone number and informing me my case had been passed to the CPS on the 17th of July.
On the 25th of July, I sent an email to PC Parkes[below], but it had to be resent on August 2nd. Meanwhile, I emailed Superintendent Baxter, the divisional commander, to complain that I had never received any communication from PC Parkes. The next morning, a Police Inspector called to inform me that PC Parkes would call me. When she contacted me, this was the first and last time I spoke to her; this only happened after I had complained to the superintendent; it then dawned on me that she had not investigated the assault on me, even though I had provided a detailed statement, which she ignored. I believe PC Parkes was one of the officers indoctrinated at the Nottingham Women's Centre and thoroughly contaminated by the Me Too, and that women should always be believed doctrine promoted by Sue Fish. She had no intention of interviewing me or carrying out any investigation; she just wanted to send out a summons.                               PC Parkes really proved herself to be an outright liar and the lowest piece of scum there is for a Police Officer; she could not admit that the Police would issue the summons but said the CPS would issue it. I contacted the CPS to ask when the summons would be issued, and they did not issue a summons; they only advised the Police on the charge. PC Parkes had made up her twisted, indoctrinated mind that I was guilty and had not instructed a Solicitor, so I was easy prey to be convicted by our biased Magistrates. Still, this lazy woman only woke up when I was elected for a jury trial.                                                                                              After the trial, I wrote to the C PS to ask why I was prosecuted and not Curtis, who had assaulted me; they informed me that PC Parkes had only given them a file on me. If that was the case, it should have contained my own lengthy statement and complaint of Curtis’s assault on me. The CPS case preparation stated it should include a statement from me; it was either omitted or contained a fake statement. I know PC Parkes is thoroughly corrupt. Was the CPS caseworker corrupt? Or just a stupid and poorly trained who was probably very young and easily persuaded by Parkes. The proof that the CPS caseworker did not see my original statement was why they did not request statements from the two Community support officers whom I mentioned in my statement to whom I reported the assault on myself and who advised me to report it to central Police Station, I did and was given an incident number. This is proof that the case was not adequately investigated or prepared the case worker was an inadequate, inexperienced person Parkes only interviewed the two Community support Officers after I had made my first Court appearance and 16 weeks after the incident. I also received a phone call from Parkes’s supervisor, Sergeant Hayes who tried to persuade me to omit some of my evidence; I told him he was bent, and he promptly cut the call. They were both based at Broxtowe Police station as was another PC Parkes who I believe was the Husband of the corrupt PC Parkes and was the Star of a channel 4 police programme as a super recogniser but has not recognised the corruption in his own Police station.
       PC Parkes constantly did not contact me refused to interview me, and ignored my offer to supply supporting documents. It was only after. I had emailed the divisional commander that I got in contact with Parkes to inform me that CPS would issue a summons, this was a lie; the Police issue the summons the CPS only review the evidence first. I then realised she had not investigated the assault on myself in her evil twisted mind, I was the guilty person and she had no intention of carrying out a proper investigation, as she had promised Mrs Bellamy to get me convicted.                            PC Parkes obviously did not agree with when Lord Denning stated that: “IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR POWERS THE POLICE ARE ANSWERABLE TO THE LAW AND THE LAW ALONE.” PC Parkes answered to her own law and prejudices’.                                On the 3rd of September, I sent a special delivery letter to Nottinghamshire Police Standards complaining about the lack of action on my complaint of being assaulted by Curtis day and the following day; they telephoned to tell me to submit a complaint of the assault online, so had not have got my original complaint logged on their system although me been given a card with an incident number on the day of the assault. I then submitted an online complaint. PC Parkes emailed me the same day, stating that there was footage showing my interaction with Curtis and Mrs Bellamy and Curtis pushing me and said the CPS had charged me and would receive a summons through the Post. THIS WAS A COMPLETE LIE; the police decide to prosecute and issue the summons. The CPS only advises and conducts cases in court. She finished by saying her sergeant would contact me when he was back in a weeks' time why was this necessary when the CPS was supposed to be handling it.  She knew she was wrong, so the sergeant phoned me to get me to alter my evidence, which struck me as corrupt as Parkes.               When I attended the Magistrates on the 26th of September, I saw the phone video for the first time; it was so obviously fake it was laughable. A ten-year-old would have spotted that I was fake, and there was no image of me being pushed or saying anything; it just showed my back and me walking away. There was loud, hysterical shouting from Mrs Bellamy, purporting to be what I had said, but I had said nothing; Curtis had been shouting; this was deleted, and Mrs Bellamy’s rant superimposed later> I asked for this for the video to be forensically examined and footage from five street cameras in the area. At the 2nd case management hearing, the Crown Court the case failed, and the CPS offered no evidence, stating there was no   CCTV footage available, a blatant lie as the street camera footage would show the truth.                                                                                     I do not know enough words to describe PC Parkes; she is not Human; she is lower than any other form of life and should not be a member of our society. People like her will destroy society and our way of life, increasing distrust in our already distrusted Police. This woman is as wicked and evil as the worst male officer, and I class her as a NAZI who is completely indoctrinated in what I explained earlier. she attempted to get me convicted of a crime I did not commit which carries a maximum sentence of five years. I believe Parkes should have been tried for malfeasance in Public Office, which has a maximum life sentence; this should apply to many Police officers. However, the corrupt regime seems reluctant to use it, maybe to many senior police would end up in prison.  More about the cameras in my Crown Court story.                                                                                     When the Trial ended, I sent an online complaint to Nottinghamshire Police Standards see content below                My complaint is against Nottinghamshire Police and in particular, PC 3468 Parkes and her supervising Sergeant {name not Known} for malfeasance in public office when acting as a Polics Officer wilfully neglected to perform her duty and/or wilfully misconducted herself. PC Parkes did not investigate my complaint or willingly contact me but took a one-sided attitude to the incident. I believe PC Parkes to be lazy, incapable, and possibly corrupt. Her sergeant is just as culpable because of her lack of supervision and oversight, and she telephoned after my first court appearance to persuade me to alter my statement. He told me he did not want to help me but to help PC Parkes and himself. I told him that he was bent. [sorry for using the vernacular] and to contact me through my Solicitor; he then put the phone down. You must have a large amount of paperwork on this already, I can, but I can supply copies if required PC Parkes should have the A4 Ring Binder with copies of the Documents that are referred to in the Statement. You will see from the Timeline that PC Parkes never considered me a complainant but an offender, and though she had no evidence, she tried to construct a case. I believe Mrs Bellamy gave a sad, tearful story to PC Parkes, who was full of empathy and sympathy and promised to have me convicted and hopefully imprisoned. This attitude of PC Parkes is corrupt in the legal meaning of corruption by showing favour to a person.  PC Parkes  completely ignored me until she phoned me  on August 2nd, she only phoned me after I had  complained to a Senior Officer over lack of contact; see also my letter 24th August to professional   standards, who telephoned me  on the 3rd of September and advised me  to submit a report of assault; I thought I had done this on the 14th June 2018  but had obviously been ignored by  PC Parkes. I did submit two reports online, but they were not acknowledged. PC Parkes emailed me on 4th September to request the documents that I had been offering since June 2018; these were sent Special Delivery 7th September for delivery 10th September [see emails], but despite the royal mail  loving a card to collect   the package from Glaisdale sorting office, it was not collected, so it had to be returned to me and I hand delivered  it to Central  Police Station on 14th of September [see receipt] but it was not seen by PC Parkes until 30th September. When the sergeant phoned on the 2nd October he tried to pressure me not to mention the evidence of Mrs Bellamy and Curtis’ which was exposed in the Divorce petition He and PC Parkes were only intent on protecting Curtis and Mrs Bellamy and demonising myself. In an email PC Parkes states   that a video shows Curtis pushing me and the CPS were aware of this so where is the video now and was it a public video or on Mrs Bellamy’s phone which was then doctored  to produce the farcical fake video that was supposed to be evidence . video showing Curtis pushing me would not fitted PC Parkes agender the video produced at the initial court appearance was a video from Mrs Bellamy’s phoned showing me walking up Carrington Street with the voice over saying all the things I was supposed to have said; it was obvious it was fake and I challenged it to be forensically examined. They had also made more recent statements, which were so ridiculous to be beyond any belief. Curtis’s in his statement stated he feared attack by me or my hiring a hit man. I believe PC Parkes encouraged the fake video and the second statements to build a case from non-existent evidence. PC Parkes was using trickery and deceit rather than seeking the truth and the prosecution of myself was malicious to satisfy her corrupt promises to Mrs Bellamy. In court, the CPS said there was no street video, as the cameras were not working, but I passed 5 streeside alley, 3: Jackson and Quinn Carrington Street 4: 21 Canal Street 5: Broadmarsh Collin Street. It seems like PC Parkes was on a mission to cover Mrs Bellamy’s perjury, false accusations, and her own failings, and her Sergeant was complicit in aiding and abetting.  I have been put through a lot of stress by this, including three court appearances and my complaints of assault, perjury, and preventing the cause of justice from being ignored.                                             .        On the 3rd of January 2019 Nottinghamshire Police headquarters received my complaint, but I did not receive an acknowledgement until January 19th.By the 21st    21st of February I still not had a update this was 49 days since they received my complaint.     March 1st I received a phone a phone call  from a sergeant Egbokhan dismissing my complaint; he came over as off hand and just wanted  to get rid of me    . I believe he never did any proper investigation and had decided to ignore me thinking I would go away; I the asked to put his findings in writing and confirmed my address with him.                                         On the 17th of March I wrote to the Independent Office of Police Conduct to complain about the lack of proper investigation by Nottingham Police. I received a reply dated 28th March stating I had no complaint as Notts Police had not concluded their investigation, and a letter was awaiting authorisation. By the 7th May I had still not received any communication from Nottinghamshire Police, so some one was lying as over two months earlier I had  been told my complaint had been rejected and at my request  I would receive a letter this was confirmed by  IOPC in their letter to me 28th March.     I then wrote to the Nottinghamshire Police so called Professional Standards stating I had been waiting 10 weeks for an outcome letter from Sergeant Egbokhan. This at last motivated a response from                                                                                egbokhan on 9th of May; it was disgusting and full of lies and was not a proper investigation. I cannot believe this man was a Police Sergeant never mind a Professional Standards Investigator.                      I wrote again to the Independent Office Of Police Conduct    to express my disgust with the so-called investigation, enclosing  copies of letters and statements; after some  exchange of  letters, their final l9th of June, they informed me they had ordered  Nottinghamshire police to carry out a new investigation with a different  investigating officer.                                                                                                        On 12th of September, I was contacted by the new investigator Sergeant Dosanjh who was completely different from Egbokham; he came over as educated polite and well spoken, no doubt a future     senior officer. It was agreed I would submit a list of questions, which he would answer. I received a reply dated 02/10/2019    answering my questions although I did not agree with them, because most of the answers from the officers concerned were outright lies practically from Parkes over the Crown Prosecution Service have a letters and emails to prove it. I suppose I could not expect any better as they investigate themselves and have each other’s back. The one answer I got that no one would answer before was Parkes was a part time officer, which explains the lack of investigation and communication, She was just an corrupt lazy political motivated evil woman who set out to destroy me My big regret is I did not my trial  by Jury as it was terminated the trial management stage If I had a trial    it would have exposed the corrupt Police.     I was rebuked by the Judge     for saying I wanted to have a trial he should have lest had Parkes before him to ask why the case with no evidence and attempted fake evidence. It put me under stress for six months and cost the taxpayer considerable amount of money for three court appearances and my Legal aid.                MY ADVICE TO ANYONE INVESTIGATED BY THE POLICE IS ALWAYS HAVE VIDEO EVIDENCE FORENCLY EXAMINED AND REMEMBER POLICE LIE  AND COVER UP.                        I sent a final letter to the police on the 21st of October 2019, disagreeing with the conclusions, but as a person, with little money, I could not pursue the matter further. The whole saga lasted 17 months and has left me dis-spirited, and I will never  trust the Police again.        

Attached below is all the correspondence in chronological order.                                                                                                                           
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